Solo exhibitions
Entropy System. The Ruarts Gallery, Moscow, Russia
Project ARCA. Ruarts Foundation in collaboration with the educational centre of MMOMA, The Moscow Museum of Modern Art, Moscow, Russia
Form. Ruarts Foundation, Moscow, Russia
The first solo exhibition of the Aesthetics group took place (together with Ilya Slak), Moscow, Russia
Group exhibitions
Exhibition of Achievements of Contemporary Artists. GUM-Red-Line Gallery, Moscow, Russia
TRUE LY. Ruarts Foundation, Moscow, Russia
Exhibition “The Wall Elements 2”. Ruarts Gallery, Moscow, Russia
Exhibition “The Wall Elements”. The Manege Central Exhibition Hall (St. Petersburg), Russia
Petro was born in 1984 in the town of Zhukovsky (near Moscow). He is one of the famous representatives of the "street wave" artists who has been painting on walls for over 20 years. The artist is the founder and a member of the Aesthetics Group duo (with Ilya Slak). Today, Petro is at the forefront of Russian street art, his current eclectic style is built on a combination of various concepts including the applied art and the architecture. Moving away from graffiti fonts compositions, Petro concentrated on geometric abstraction. The artist takes part in major festivals, exhibitions, projects in Russia and abroad. He is a participant of the residences: "Graffiti analysis" 2010 (Perm) / "Week-End RAW Circles" 2013 (Paris) / "Dukley European Art Community" 2015 (Montenegro) / "Uppa Winery" 2019 and 2021 (Sevastopol) / "Art Station" 2021 (Ivanovo). In 2010 he organized a screening of graffiti films in Moscow and St. Petersburg: “Flashback” (RUS), “Aevus” (RUS), “Endstation” (UKR). In 2012–2014 he founded and organized the Sign Your Style Graffiti Festival. In 2013 he was awarded the MOST Awards street art festival in the nomination “Street Contribution. Artist of the Year. In 2013 he was the curator of the street festival "33 Edges of Perception". In 2014, the exhibition "Dualism", a joint project of Petro and Ilya Slak, took place in Moscow. In the autumn of the same year he became the co-curator of the Russian part of the 1st Artmossphere Street Art Biennale. In 2016 he was the coordinator of the Russian part, the II Artmossphere Street Art Biennale. In September 2021, the Ruarts Foundation presented his solo exhibition "Form". In 2022, Petro created a mural in the arch of the MMOMA Educational Center in Ermolaevsky Lane as part of a joint project between the Ruarts Foundation and MMOMA. The mural was paired with a free AR app that allows people visiting the mural in-person to explore the art differently (Technical Artist – Maxim Knyazev). In his work, Petro strives for constant development and self-realization, in addition to murals, the artist creates works on canvas, three-dimensional installations and sculpture.
- За стенами: 10 российских художников уличной волны, которых стоит знать (Правила жизни, 6.12.2024)
- В галерее Ruarts исследовали феномен энтропии (Московский Комсомолец, 25.05.2024)
- "Сити": выставка "Система энтропии" художника Petrо (Москва 24, 21.05.2024)
- Выставка «Cистема энтропии» (Petrograff, 7.05.2024)