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Colour vs. Black and White

13.09.2024 - 13.10.2024

The company restore: together with the Ruarts contemporary art gallery present an exhibition by winners of the restore: digital art contest ‘Colour vs. Black and White’. Restore: digital art is a key project supporting young artists and the development of digital art in Russia. For 8 years the restore: brand has been the organiser of this competition for creative people and a guide to the infinite digital universe.

‘Colour vs. Black and White’, the theme of the 2024 exhibition, addresses the eternal cultural confrontation that extends beyond the visual arts and permeates the entire history of mankind. In this dialogue, opposites collide not only with colours, but also philosophical categories: day and night, transience and eternity, emotions and rationality. This game of contrasts is reflected in the works of the participants, each of them expressing their understanding of the eternal question by digital means. As the curator of the exhibition Katya Bochavar notes, "the struggle between colour and its absence is not just a visual conflict, but a symbolic language generally understandable in a variety of cultures".
