A Glimpse of the future. 9B Gallery, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
A moment before the dawn. Ruarts Gallery, Moscow, Russia
Through the mist. Ruarts Gallery, Moscow, Russia
Reality 2.0. Vladey, Moscow, Russia
In the mood for Love. The Ruarts Gallery, Moscow, Russia
Exhibition of the 4th Moscow Art Prize Nominees, Media Center of Zaryadye Park, Moscow, Russia
Personal Space, a collective retrospective exhibition, The Ruarts Gallery, Moscow, Russia
TRUE LY. Ruarts Foundation, Moscow, Russia
The Red Garden, GUM-Red-Line Gallery festival, Red Square. Moscow, Russia
The Russian Fairy Tale. From Vasnetsov to the Present, The New Tretyakov Gallery. Moscow, Russia
Gravitational Collapse. Artservatory Center of Contemporary Art. Khabarovsk, Russia
Vladey pre-auction exhibition All for 100. Gostiny Dvor. Moscow, Russia
Cuadratura. Galeria Kreisler. Madrid, Spain
The Street Wave. Omsk Regional M.A. Vrubel Museum of Fine Arts. Omsk, Russia
Street Art in Russia from the 1980s to 2010s. As part of the III Artmossphere Street Art Biennale, CCA Winzavod. Moscow, Russia
Vladey pre-auction exhibition Heroes of Our Time. Moscow Museum of Modern Art. Moscow, Russia
Wall Elements 2. Ruarts Gallery. Moscow, Russia
Wall Elements. Manege Central Exhibition Hall. Saint Petersburg, Russia
Unstable Equilibrium. International University. Moscow, Russia
Street art: Conservation. Victoria Gallery. Samara, Russia
Vladey pre-auction exhibition. Moscow Museum of Modern Art. Moscow, Russia
Football-Hockey. CCA Winzavod. Moscow, Russia
Invisible Wall. II Artmossphere Street Art Biennale. Central Manege. Moscow, Russia
Nalitso. Futuro Gallery. Nizhniy Novgorod, Russia
East Street / West Street. Lollipop Gallery. London, UK
A Major Minority.1AM Gallery. San Francisco, USA
Street Art. MMOMA. Moscow, Russia
Project 64. VDNKh. Moscow, Russia
The Other Summer Exhibition. Lollipop Gallery. London, UK
Unforeseen Circumstances. Ruarts Gallery. Moscow, Russia
The New Wave Uncut. MSK Eastside Gallery. Moscow, Russia
Urbanism: City In My Head. Museum of Moscow. Moscow, Russia
The Long Tomorrow (with Alexey Luka). Pechersky Gallery. Moscow, Russia
Wall Elements. Ruarts Gallery. Moscow, Russia
Synthesis & Integration. Art.ru Gallery. Moscow, Russia
The End. Mexico. Cancun, Mexico
Faces and Laces. Vetoshny complex. Moscow, Russia
Faces and Laces. Vetoshny complex. Moscow, Russia
Kunstkraft. Studio Alte Feuerwache. Mannheim, Germany
Faces and Laces. VDNKh. Moscow, Russia
Seattle Moscow Poster Show, Bumbershoot. Seattle, USA
Faces and Laces. Arsenal Complex. Moscow, Russia
Faces and Laces. Moscow Center for Arts Gallery. Moscow, Russia
Urban Animals. Mars Gallery. Moscow, Russia
Accomplices. The State Tretyakov gallery. Moscow, Russia
Kontrast. Mode Museum. Antwerp, Belgium
Original Fake. Moscow Center for Arts Gallery. Moscow, Russia
- За стенами: 10 российских художников уличной волны, которых стоит знать (Правила жизни, 6.12.2024)
- Отыграть назад: 20 лет галереи Ruarts в 20 главных выставках (BURO., 6.12.2024)
- Дмитрий Аске: «Просто тиражировать красивые картинки мне неинтересно» (my decor, 15.09.2023)
- Дмитрий Аске в программе "Провенанс". Совместный проект с газетой The Art Newspaper Russia" (cultradio.ru, 27.01.2021)
- The City (m24.ru, 18.12.2020)
- Дмитрий Аске. За мгновение до рассвета (13.11.2020)
- The Art Newspaper Russia top-50 Russian artists (theartnewspaper.ru, 30.09.2020)
- Скромное обаяние пандемии (Комменрсантъ.ru, 14.09.2020)
- Русская смерть, одежда с унитазами, сделано на ********. Экскурсия по первой после пандемии ярмарке современного искусства Cosmoscow (Телеканал Дождь, 11.09.2020)
- Дмитрий Аске: «Уличное искусство и не должно быть полностью легальным» (Артгид.com, 8.04.2019)
- The Third urban art auction (in-art.ru, 24.11.2017)
- Aske & TANPR (theartnewspaper.ru, 19.10.2017)
- «Непредвиденные обстоятельства» в пространстве Ruarts. Телеканал МИР. (mir24.tv, 21.11.2015)
- «Афиша»: Выставка уличных художников. Телеканал М24. (m24.ru, 17.11.2015)